martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010
Prometo postear mas seguido
jueves, 29 de julio de 2010
en el regazo de J.A.R.

martes, 13 de julio de 2010
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010
viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010
miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010
I do what I want when I want
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
Conciencias Geográficas

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
martes, 23 de marzo de 2010
Buenas y malas pretensiones MtyMx y Nrmal
martes, 16 de marzo de 2010
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
That's My Jam

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
Animal Collective and Vashti Bunyan
martes, 9 de febrero de 2010
I love New York

Too bad there is still people out there who are just too lazy to do it and cities that don't implement it.
Separating trash gives me a little relief that despite all the trash I make some of it is being reused! :)
Long time ago I have taken certain measures to reduce my waste, and it has been just for the best! Simple things like:
- You are going to be thirsty when you go out of your home carry your own water bottle like (a thermos) you'll save money not buying bottle sodas or water, you can lose weight if you refill your thermos on a water fountain :)
- If you really want to buy a drink buy it in a glass bottle or canned (it is most likely that most percentage of these materials will be recycled).
- Walk, ride a bike, use public transportation as much as you can, instead of using a car or a taxi.
- Always carry a tote bag with you. Whatever you buy carry it there. You will get rid of those annoying drawers full of plastic bags.
- When you buy food try to buy it on glass and cardboard containers for the most part.
- Commit to keep what you buy, try not to buy crap that you will get rid of by the end of the week or QUALITY, good taste, truly green and/or organic useful products, that will last years and years and you won't get tired of.
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
martes, 2 de febrero de 2010
Sometimes people pull the emergency brake for nothing!
domingo, 31 de enero de 2010
Ya esta aqui!
Lo Fi Fnk inaugura este Febrero con esta nueva cancion y video, que muestra que estos dos chicos se traen cosas muy buenas entre manos.
miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010
Hotel Monterey
I read this interview of Chantal Akerman, who is Belgian film maker. Her story is great, she documented NYC in the early 70's. Most of her films don't have dialogs and are very minimalistic. This clip speaks for itself.
sábado, 23 de enero de 2010
The story begins when a girl (bastante chifletas) finds out that his dad is marrying his new girlfriend. So in revenge she plans to go visit an aunt that lives outside the city and stay there for a while. I really don't know why all her friends decide to go with her, anyhow they all go and the trip is weird and beautiful. Some of the environment scenes seem to be made out of cardboard, just as if you were watching a Michel Gondry's movie, but you are not, because this one is way better (and cheaper).
When the girls get to the aunt's house spooky things start to happen. Oh, by the way the dialogs are also nonsense, just like the movie sequence, with tons and tons of blood. Best movie ever!
The whole movie used to be on Youtube, but not anymore. Bananas! Bananas!
I knew about the film because they showed it at Monkeytown once.
(it could be on torrents somewhere, i don't know)
Nobuhiko Obayashi directed another churros like this, hilarious as well.
miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010
Adiós Monketown!

Yesterday Aaron and I tried to go to see a gig, one of those noise artsy performances. I forgot my camera, again! It was at this place called Monkeytown, which is my favorite venue ever! and it is going to be closed maybe forever (I hope not) this weekend.
For the people who didn't have the experience of visiting it, it is the most intimate and comfortable place to see any band or performer, oh yes and a restaurant/bar at the front. The room where the shows take place is a square with 4 giant screens each with a projector, under the screens there are soft couches and short tables. It is not a cheap place, but it is worth it, believe me. You can order drinks or dinner while the musicians play in the center, surrounded by people. Best place ever, so sad it is closing.
I forgot to mention that the restrooms paintings/deco are very smart and voyeuristic. There are security video cams looking at you made with Sharpie. <3
Cobertor eléctrico
Cuando era niña, mi papá llevo un día la película de Calzoncín Inspector (1974) de Alfonso Arau. Si no la has visto alguien amablemente la subió al youtube aquí, esta súper chistosa y un poco surrealista.
Desafortunadamente no hay mucho escrito en internet sobre la película. Lo que les puedo decir es que es una comedia mexicana con crítica política y social hecha por Arau, quien ha hecho casi todas sus películas con su particular visión social, histórica y política. Para mi es el mejor exponente de cine de comedia de todos los tiempos en México. El Aguila Descalza (1971) es otro ejemplo, el personaje que escribe e interpreta Arau es un superhéroe que vive en una vecindad de algún barrio bajo del DF. Tiene poderes súper mongolos y si no mal recuerdo su otra vida es de albañil.
En este clip salen bailando el Inspector y doña Eme, quien es Carmen Salinas precalentando años antes para Aventurera! jeje
No podia dejar de lado el discurso, que esta genial.
If you know some Spanish, be glad to watch one of the best Mexican comedy films Calzoncín Inspector the entire film is on youtube here.
martes, 19 de enero de 2010
Ada Jones and Bill Murray
There is this link where you can download some mp3's that someone kindly recorded from his/her 78 rpm's. sweet.